2017-10-25 22:34:58 +08:00

179 lines
6.7 KiB

<div :class="prefixCls">
v-for="(item, i) in stateTree"
<div :class="[prefixCls + '-empty']" v-if="!stateTree.length">{{ localeEmptyText }}</div>
import TreeNode from './node.vue';
import Emitter from '../../mixins/emitter';
import Locale from '../../mixins/locale';
const prefixCls = 'ivu-tree';
export default {
name: 'Tree',
mixins: [ Emitter, Locale ],
components: { TreeNode },
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
default () {
return [];
multiple: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
showCheckbox: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
emptyText: {
type: String
loadData: {
type: Function
render: {
type: Function
data () {
return {
prefixCls: prefixCls,
stateTree: this.data,
flatState: [],
watch: {
data: {
deep: true,
handler () {
this.stateTree = this.data;
this.flatState = this.compileFlatState();
computed: {
localeEmptyText () {
if (typeof this.emptyText === 'undefined') {
return this.t('i.tree.emptyText');
} else {
return this.emptyText;
methods: {
compileFlatState () { // so we have always a relation parent/children of each node
let keyCounter = 0;
const flatTree = [];
function flattenChildren(node, parent) {
node.nodeKey = keyCounter++;
flatTree[node.nodeKey] = { node: node, nodeKey: node.nodeKey };
if (typeof parent != 'undefined') {
flatTree[node.nodeKey].parent = parent.nodeKey;
if (node.children) {
flatTree[node.nodeKey].children = [];
node.children.forEach(child => flattenChildren(child, node));
this.stateTree.forEach(rootNode => {
return flatTree;
const parentKey = this.flatState[nodeKey].parent;
if (typeof parentKey == 'undefined') return;
const node = this.flatState[nodeKey].node;
const parent = this.flatState[parentKey].node;
if (node.checked == parent.checked && node.indeterminate == parent.indeterminate) return; // no need to update upwards
if (node.checked == true) {
this.$set(parent, 'checked', parent.children.every(node => node.checked));
this.$set(parent, 'indeterminate', !parent.checked);
} else {
this.$set(parent, 'checked', false);
this.$set(parent, 'indeterminate', parent.children.some(node => node.checked || node.indeterminate));
rebuildTree () { // only called when `data` prop changes
const checkedNodes = this.getCheckedNodes();
checkedNodes.forEach(node => {
this.updateTreeDown(node, {checked: true});
// propagate upwards
const parentKey = this.flatState[node.nodeKey].parent;
if (!parentKey && parentKey !== 0) return;
const parent = this.flatState[parentKey].node;
const childHasCheckSetter = typeof node.checked != 'undefined' && node.checked;
if (childHasCheckSetter && parent.checked != node.checked) {
this.updateTreeUp(node.nodeKey); // update tree upwards
getSelectedNodes () {
/* public API */
return this.flatState.filter(obj => obj.node.selected).map(obj => obj.node);
getCheckedNodes () {
/* public API */
return this.flatState.filter(obj => obj.node.checked).map(obj => obj.node);
updateTreeDown(node, changes = {}) {
for (let key in changes) {
this.$set(node, key, changes[key]);
if (node.children) {
node.children.forEach(child => {
this.updateTreeDown(child, changes);
handleSelect (nodeKey) {
const node = this.flatState[nodeKey].node;
if (!this.multiple){ // reset previously selected node
const currentSelectedKey = this.flatState.findIndex(obj => obj.node.selected);
if (currentSelectedKey >= 0 && currentSelectedKey !== nodeKey) this.$set(this.flatState[currentSelectedKey].node, 'selected', false);
this.$set(node, 'selected', !node.selected);
this.$emit('on-select-change', this.getSelectedNodes());
handleCheck({ checked, nodeKey }) {
const node = this.flatState[nodeKey].node;
this.$set(node, 'checked', checked);
this.$set(node, 'indeterminate', false);
this.updateTreeUp(nodeKey); // propagate up
this.updateTreeDown(node, {checked, indeterminate: false}); // reset `indeterminate` when going down
this.$emit('on-check-change', this.getCheckedNodes());
this.flatState = this.compileFlatState();
mounted () {
this.$on('on-check', this.handleCheck);
this.$on('on-selected', this.handleSelect);
this.$on('toggle-expand', node => this.$emit('on-toggle-expand', node));