This commit is contained in:
Aresn 2017-05-31 13:59:14 +08:00
parent d6070b2357
commit e993204310
2 changed files with 159 additions and 158 deletions

View file

@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
<!--<i-col span="4">{{model}}</i-col>-->
<!--<i-col span="8">-->
<!--<i-select v-model="model" :label="['L Alabama', 'L Hawaii']" multiple @input="handleInput" filterable remote :remote-method="remoteMethod" :loading="loading" clearable>-->
<!--<i-option v-for="option in options" :value="option.value" :key="new Date()">{{option.label}}</i-option>-->
<!--export default {-->
<!--data () {-->
<!--return {-->
<!--// model: 'Alabama',-->
<!--model: ['Alabama', 'Hawaii'],-->
<!--options: [-->
<!--list: [],-->
<!--loading: false,-->
<!--states: ["Al", "Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona",-->
<!--"Arkansas", "California", "Colorado",-->
<!--"Connecticut", "Delaware", "Florida",-->
<!--"Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois",-->
<!--"Indiana", "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky",-->
<!--"Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland",-->
<!--"Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota",-->
<!--"Mississippi", "Missouri", "Montana",-->
<!--"Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire",-->
<!--"New Jersey", "New Mexico", "New York",-->
<!--"North Carolina", "North Dakota", "Ohio",-->
<!--"Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania",-->
<!--"Rhode Island", "South Carolina",-->
<!--"South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas",-->
<!--"Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia",-->
<!--"Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin",-->
<!--mounted () {-->
<!--this.options = [-->
<!--// {-->
<!--// label: '',-->
<!--// value: 0-->
<!--// },{-->
<!--// label: '',-->
<!--// value: 1-->
<!--// },{-->
<!--// label: '',-->
<!--// value: 2-->
<!--// },{-->
<!--// label: '西',-->
<!--// value: 3-->
<!--// }-->
<!--methods: {-->
<!--handleAdd () {-->
<!--this.options = [-->
<!--label: '全部',-->
<!--value: 0-->
<!--label: '苹果',-->
<!--value: 1-->
<!--label: '香蕉',-->
<!--value: 2-->
<!--label: '西瓜',-->
<!--value: 3-->
<!--remoteMethod (query) {-->
<!--if (query !== '') {-->
<!--this.loading = true;-->
<!--setTimeout(() => {-->
<!--this.loading = false;-->
<!--this.options = this.list.filter(item => {-->
<!--return item.label.toLowerCase()-->
<!--.indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1;-->
<!--}, 500);-->
<!--} else {-->
<!--this.options = [];-->
<!--handleInput () {-->
<!--// console.log(1)-->
<!--mounted () {-->
<!--this.list = => {-->
<!--return {-->
<!--value: item,-->
<!--label: 'L ' + item-->
<Row style="width: 400px;">
<i-col span="12" style="padding-right:10px">
<Select v-model="model11" filterable>
<Option v-for="item in cityList" :value="item.value" :key="item">{{ item.label }}</Option>
<i-col span="12">
<Select v-model="model12" filterable multiple>
<Option v-for="item in cityList" :value="item.value" :key="item">{{ item.label }}</Option>
<i-col span="4">{{model}}</i-col>
<i-col span="8">
<i-select v-model="model" multiple @input="handleInput" filterable remote :remote-method="remoteMethod" :loading="loading" clearable>
<i-option v-for="option in options" :value="option.value" :key="new Date()">{{option.label}}</i-option>
<Button @click="handleSet">set</Button>
export default {
data () {
return {
cityList: [
value: 'beijing',
label: '北京市'
value: 'shanghai',
label: '上海市'
value: 'shenzhen',
label: '深圳市'
value: 'hangzhou',
label: '杭州市'
value: 'nanjing',
label: '南京市'
value: 'chongqing',
label: '重庆市'
// model: 'Alabama',
model: ['Alabama', 'Hawaii'],
options: [
model11: '',
model12: []
list: [],
loading: false,
states: ["Al", "Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona",
"Arkansas", "California", "Colorado",
"Connecticut", "Delaware", "Florida",
"Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois",
"Indiana", "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky",
"Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland",
"Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota",
"Mississippi", "Missouri", "Montana",
"Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire",
"New Jersey", "New Mexico", "New York",
"North Carolina", "North Dakota", "Ohio",
"Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania",
"Rhode Island", "South Carolina",
"South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas",
"Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia",
"Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin",
mounted () {
this.options = [
// {
// label: '',
// value: 0
// },{
// label: '',
// value: 1
// },{
// label: '',
// value: 2
// },{
// label: '西',
// value: 3
// }
methods: {
handleSet () {
this.model11 = 'shanghai';
// this.model12 = ['beijing'];
handleAdd () {
this.options = [
label: '全部',
value: 0
label: '苹果',
value: 1
label: '香蕉',
value: 2
label: '西瓜',
value: 3
remoteMethod (query) {
if (query !== '') {
this.loading = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.loading = false;
this.options = this.list.filter(item => {
return item.label.toLowerCase()
.indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1;
}, 500);
} else {
this.options = [];
handleInput () {
// console.log(1)
mounted () {
this.list = => {
return {
value: item,
label: 'L ' + item
<!--<Row style="width: 400px;">-->
<!--<i-col span="12" style="padding-right:10px">-->
<!--<Select v-model="model11" filterable>-->
<!--<Option v-for="item in cityList" :value="item.value" :key="item">{{ item.label }}</Option>-->
<!--<i-col span="12">-->
<!--<Select v-model="model12" filterable multiple>-->
<!--<Option v-for="item in cityList" :value="item.value" :key="item">{{ item.label }}</Option>-->
<!--<Button @click="handleSet">set</Button>-->
<!--export default {-->
<!--data () {-->
<!--return {-->
<!--cityList: [-->
<!--value: 'beijing',-->
<!--label: '北京市'-->
<!--value: 'shanghai',-->
<!--label: '上海市'-->
<!--value: 'shenzhen',-->
<!--label: '深圳市'-->
<!--value: 'hangzhou',-->
<!--label: '杭州市'-->
<!--value: 'nanjing',-->
<!--label: '南京市'-->
<!--value: 'chongqing',-->
<!--label: '重庆市'-->
<!--model11: '',-->
<!--model12: []-->
<!--methods: {-->
<!--handleSet () {-->
<!--this.model11 = 'shanghai';-->
<!--// this.model12 = ['beijing'];-->

View file

@ -127,7 +127,8 @@
inputLength: 20,
notFound: false,
slotChangeDuration: false, // if slot change duration and in multiple, set true and after slot change, set false
model: this.value
model: this.value,
currentLabel: this.label
computed: {
@ -593,15 +594,15 @@
if (this.remote) {
if (!this.multiple && this.model !== '') {
this.selectToChangeQuery = true;
if (this.label === '') this.label = this.model;
this.lastQuery = this.label;
this.query = this.label;
if (this.currentLabel === '') this.currentLabel = this.model;
this.lastQuery = this.currentLabel;
this.query = this.currentLabel;
} else if (this.multiple && this.model.length) {
if (this.label.length !== this.model.length) this.label = this.model;
if (this.currentLabel.length !== this.model.length) this.currentLabel = this.model;
this.selectedMultiple =, index) => {
return {
value: item,
label: this.label[index]
label: this.currentLabel[index]