update Time func
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 79 additions and 91 deletions
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
<Time :time="1526608921" />
<Time :time="1652839997" />
<Time :time="ddd" />
<Time :time="ddd" interval="1" />
export default {
data () {
return {
ddd: new Date('2018-01-01')
ddd: new Date('2019-05-28 14:12:00')
computed: {},
@ -1,97 +1,85 @@
const time = {
getUnix (place) {
const date = new Date();
const timestamp = date.getTime(); // 得到的是毫秒
* @param {Number} timeStamp 判断时间戳格式是否是毫秒
* @returns {Boolean}
// const isMillisecond = timeStamp => {
// const timeStr = String(timeStamp);
// return timeStr.length > 10;
// };
if (place === 's') { // 秒
return Math.floor(timestamp / 1000);
} else { // 毫秒
return timestamp;
getToday (place) {
const today = new Date();
const year = today.getFullYear();
const month = today.getMonth() + 1;
const day = today.getDate();
const hours = 0;
const mins = 0;
const secs = 0;
const datetime = year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hours + ':' + mins + ':' + secs;
let tmp_datetime = datetime.replace(/:/g,'-');
tmp_datetime = tmp_datetime.replace(/ /g,'-');
const arr = tmp_datetime.split('-');
const now = new Date(Date.UTC(arr[0],arr[1]-1,arr[2],arr[3]-8,arr[4],arr[5]));
* @param {Number} timeStamp 传入的时间戳
* @param {Number} currentTime 当前时间时间戳
* @returns {Boolean} 传入的时间戳是否早于当前时间戳
const isEarly = (timeStamp, currentTime) => {
return timeStamp < currentTime;
if (place === 's') {
return parseInt(now.getTime() / 1000);
} else {
return parseInt(now.getTime());
getYear (place) {
const today = new Date();
const year = today.getFullYear();
const month = 0;
const day = 1;
const hours = 0;
const mins = 0;
const secs = 0;
const datetime = year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hours + ':' + mins + ':' + secs;
let tmp_datetime = datetime.replace(/:/g,'-');
tmp_datetime = tmp_datetime.replace(/ /g,'-');
const arr = tmp_datetime.split('-');
const now = new Date(Date.UTC(arr[0],arr[1]-1,arr[2],arr[3]-8,arr[4],arr[5]));
if (place === 's') {
return parseInt(now.getTime() / 1000);
} else {
return parseInt(now.getTime());
getLastDate (time, type) {
const unixtime = time * 1000;
const date = new Date(unixtime);
const month = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1;
const currentDate = date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + date.getDate() : date.getDate();
const hh = date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours();
const mm = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes();
// const ss = date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds();
* @param {Number} num 数值
* @returns {String} 处理后的字符串
* @description 如果传入的数值小于10,即位数只有1位,则在前面补充0
const getHandledValue = num => {
return num < 10 ? '0' + num : num;
if (type === 'month') {
return month + '-' + currentDate + ' ' + hh + ':' + mm;
//return month + "-" + currentDate;
} else {
return date.getFullYear() + '-' + month + '-' + currentDate + ' ' + hh + ':' + mm;
// 时间戳转详细时间,比如5分钟前
getMagic (timestamp) {
const now = this.getUnix('s'); //当前时间戳
const today = this.getToday('s'); //今天0点时间戳
const year = this.getYear('s'); //今年0点时间戳
const timer = now - timestamp;
* @param {Number} timeStamp 传入的时间戳
* @param {Number} startType 要返回的时间字符串的格式类型,传入'year'则返回年开头的完整时间
const getDate = (timeStamp, startType) => {
const d = new Date(timeStamp * 1000);
const year = d.getFullYear();
const month = getHandledValue(d.getMonth() + 1);
const date = getHandledValue(d.getDate());
const hours = getHandledValue(d.getHours());
const minutes = getHandledValue(d.getMinutes());
const second = getHandledValue(d.getSeconds());
let resStr = '';
if (startType === 'year') resStr = year + '-' + month + '-' + date + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + second;
else resStr = month + '-' + date + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes;
return resStr;
let tip = '';
if (timer <= 0) {
tip = '刚刚';
} else if (Math.floor(timer/60) <= 0) {
tip = '刚刚';
} else if (timer < 3600) {
tip = Math.floor(timer/60) + '分钟前';
} else if (timer >= 3600 && (timestamp - today >= 0) ) {
tip = Math.floor(timer/3600) + '小时前';
} else if (timer/86400 <= 31) {
tip = Math.ceil(timer/86400) + '天前';
} else if (timestamp - today < 0 && (timestamp - year >= 0)) {
tip = this.getLastDate(timestamp, 'month');
} else {
tip = this.getLastDate(timestamp, 'year');
return tip;
* @param {String|Number} timeStamp 时间戳
* @returns {String} 相对时间字符串
export const getRelativeTime = timeStamp => {
// 判断当前传入的时间戳是秒格式还是毫秒
// const IS_MILLISECOND = isMillisecond(timeStamp);
const IS_MILLISECOND = true;
// 如果是毫秒格式则转为秒格式
if (IS_MILLISECOND) Math.floor(timeStamp /= 1000);
// 传入的时间戳可以是数值或字符串类型,这里统一转为数值类型
timeStamp = Number(timeStamp);
// 获取当前时间时间戳
const currentTime = Math.floor(Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000);
// 判断传入时间戳是否早于当前时间戳
const IS_EARLY = isEarly(timeStamp, currentTime);
// 获取两个时间戳差值
let diff = currentTime - timeStamp;
// 如果IS_EARLY为false则差值取反
if (!IS_EARLY) diff = -diff;
let resStr = '';
const dirStr = IS_EARLY ? '前' : '后';
// 少于等于59秒
if (diff <= 59) resStr = diff + '秒' + dirStr;
// 多于59秒,少于等于59分钟59秒
else if (diff > 59 && diff <= 3599) resStr = Math.floor(diff / 60) + '分钟' + dirStr;
// 多于59分钟59秒,少于等于23小时59分钟59秒
else if (diff > 3599 && diff <= 86399) resStr = Math.floor(diff / 3600) + '小时' + dirStr;
// 多于23小时59分钟59秒,少于等于29天59分钟59秒
else if (diff > 86399 && diff <= 2623859) resStr = Math.floor(diff / 86400) + '天' + dirStr;
// 多于29天59分钟59秒,少于364天23小时59分钟59秒
else if (diff > 2623859 && diff <= 31567859) resStr = getDate(timeStamp);
// 多于364天23小时59分钟59秒
else resStr = getDate(timeStamp, 'year');
return resStr;
export default function (timestamp) {
return time.getMagic(timestamp / 1000);
return getRelativeTime(timestamp);
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