diff --git a/examples/routers/input-number.vue b/examples/routers/input-number.vue
index b916d405..6a62b916 100644
--- a/examples/routers/input-number.vue
+++ b/examples/routers/input-number.vue
@@ -54,7 +54,24 @@
@@ -82,6 +80,10 @@
type: Number,
default: 1
+ activeChange:{
+ type:Boolean,
+ default:true
+ },
value: {
type: Number,
default: 1
@@ -252,7 +254,16 @@
setValue (val) {
// 如果 step 是小数,且没有设置 precision,是有问题的
if (val && !isNaN(this.precision)) val = Number(Number(val).toFixed(this.precision));
+ const {min, max} = this;
+ if (val!==null) {
+ if (val > max) {
+ val = max;
+ } else if (val < min) {
+ val = min;
+ }
+ }
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.currentValue = val;
this.$emit('input', val);
@@ -278,42 +289,32 @@
change (event) {
+ if (event.type == 'input' && !this.activeChange) return;
let val = event.target.value.trim();
if (this.parser) {
val = this.parser(val);
- if (event.type == 'input' && val.match(/^\-?\.?$|\.$/)) return; // prevent fire early if decimal. If no more input the change event will fire later
- const {min, max} = this;
const isEmptyString = val.length === 0;
- val = Number(val);
- if (event.type == 'change'){
- if (val === this.currentValue && val > min && val < max) return; // already fired change for input event
- }
+ if (event.type == 'input' && val.match(/^\-?\.?$|\.$/)) return; // prevent fire early if decimal. If no more input the change event will fire later
+ val = Number(val);
- if (!isNaN(val) && !isEmptyString) {
+ if (!isNaN(val)) {
this.currentValue = val;
- if (event.type == 'input' && val < min) return; // prevent fire early in case user is typing a bigger number. Change will handle this otherwise.
- if (val > max) {
- this.setValue(max);
- } else if (val < min) {
- this.setValue(min);
- } else {
- this.setValue(val);
- }
+ this.setValue(val);
} else {
event.target.value = this.currentValue;
changeVal (val) {
val = Number(val);
+ //this.setValue(val);
if (!isNaN(val)) {
const step = this.step;