update Input on-form-change trigger timing #198
update Input on-form-change trigger timing #198
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 28 additions and 486 deletions
@ -150,7 +150,6 @@
handleChange (event) {
this.$emit('on-change', event);
this.$dispatch('on-form-change', this.value);
resizeTextarea () {
const autosize = this.autosize;
@ -169,6 +168,7 @@
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$dispatch('on-form-change', this.value);
ready () {
@ -1,496 +1,41 @@
<div style="width: 600px">
<i-form v-ref:form-custom :model="formCustom" :rules="ruleCustom" :label-width="80">
<Form-item label="密码" prop="passwd">
<i-input type="password" :value.sync="formCustom.passwd"></i-input>
<i-form v-ref:form-inline :model="formInline" :rules="ruleInline" inline>
<Form-item prop="user">
<i-input type="text" :value.sync="formInline.user" placeholder="Username">
<Icon type="ios-person-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
<Form-item label="确认密码" prop="passwdCheck">
<i-input type="password" :value.sync="formCustom.passwdCheck"></i-input>
<Form-item label="年龄" prop="age">
<i-input type="text" :value.sync="formCustom.age" number></i-input>
<Form-item prop="password">
<i-input type="password" :value.sync="formInline.password" placeholder="Password">
<Icon type="ios-locked-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
<i-button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit('formCustom')">提交</i-button>
<i-button type="ghost" @click="handleReset('formCustom')" style="margin-left: 8px">重置</i-button>
<i-button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit('formInline')">登录</i-button>
<i-form v-ref:form :model="form" :rules="rules" :label-width="100" label-position="right">
<form-item label="邮箱" prop="mail">
<i-input :value.sync="form.mail" placeholder="请输入邮箱">
<Icon type="ios-email-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
<form-item label="密码" prop="passwd">
<i-input :value.sync="form.passwd">
<i-select slot="prepend" style="width: 80px">
<i-option value="http">http://</i-option>
<i-option value="https">https://</i-option>
<i-select slot="append" style="width: 70px">
<i-option value="com">.com</i-option>
<i-option value="org">.org</i-option>
<i-option value="io">.io</i-option>
<form-item label="textarea" prop="textarea">
<i-input :value.sync="form.textarea" type="textarea" :autosize="{minRows: 2,maxRows: 5}" placeholder="请输入..."></i-input>
<form-item label="radio" prop="single">
<radio :checked.sync="form.single">Single</radio>
<form-item label="radioGroup" prop="group">
<Radio-group :model.sync="form.group">
<Radio value="apple">
<Icon type="social-apple"></Icon>
<Radio value="android">
<Icon type="social-android"></Icon>
<Radio value="windows">
<Icon type="social-windows"></Icon>
<form-item label="checkbox-g" prop="checkboxgroup">
<Checkbox-group :model.sync="form.checkboxgroup">
<Checkbox value="twitter">
<Icon type="social-twitter"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="facebook">
<Icon type="social-facebook"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="github">
<Icon type="social-github"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="snapchat">
<Icon type="social-snapchat"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="twitter">
<Icon type="social-twitter"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="facebook">
<Icon type="social-facebook"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="github">
<Icon type="social-github"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="snapchat">
<Icon type="social-snapchat"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="twitter">
<Icon type="social-twitter"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="facebook">
<Icon type="social-facebook"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="github">
<Icon type="social-github"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="snapchat">
<Icon type="social-snapchat"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="twitter">
<Icon type="social-twitter"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="facebook">
<Icon type="social-facebook"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="github">
<Icon type="social-github"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="snapchat">
<Icon type="social-snapchat"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="twitter">
<Icon type="social-twitter"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="facebook">
<Icon type="social-facebook"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="github">
<Icon type="social-github"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="snapchat">
<Icon type="social-snapchat"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="twitter">
<Icon type="social-twitter"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="facebook">
<Icon type="social-facebook"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="github">
<Icon type="social-github"></Icon>
<Checkbox value="snapchat">
<Icon type="social-snapchat"></Icon>
<form-item label="select" prop="select">
<i-select :model.sync="form.select" style="width:200px" clearable>
<i-option v-for="item in cityList" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</i-option>
<i-select :model.sync="model11" filterable>
<i-option v-for="item in cityList" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</i-option>
<i-select :model.sync="model12" filterable multiple>
<i-option v-for="item in cityList" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</i-option>
<form-item label="select多选" prop="selectm">
<i-select :model.sync="form.selectm" multiple style="width:260px">
<i-option v-for="item in cityList" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</i-option>
<form-item label="多选滑块" prop="slider">
<Slider :value.sync="form.slider" range></Slider>
<form-item label="日期" prop="date">
<Time-picker :value.sync="form.date" type="time" placeholder="选择时间" style="width: 168px"></Time-picker>
<form-item label="两个日期" prop="date2">
<Date-picker :value.sync="form.date2" type="daterange" placement="bottom-start" placeholder="选择日期" @on-change="c"></Date-picker>
<form-item label="级联" prop="cascader">
<Cascader :data="data" :value.sync="form.cascader"></Cascader>
<form-item label="穿梭框" prop="targetKeys1">
<form-item label="数字输入框" prop="input">
<Input-number :max="10" :min="1" :value.sync="form.input"></Input-number>
<i-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit('form')">提交</i-button>
<i-button type="ghost" @click="resetForm('form')">重置</i-button>
export default {
props: {},
data () {
const validatePass = (rule, value, callback) => {
if (value === '') {
callback(new Error('请输入密码'));
} else {
if (this.formCustom.passwdCheck !== '') {
const validatePassCheck = (rule, value, callback) => {
if (value === '') {
callback(new Error('请再次输入密码'));
} else if (value !== this.formCustom.passwd) {
callback(new Error('两次输入密码不一致!'));
} else {
const validateAge = (rule, value, callback) => {
if (!value) {
return callback(new Error('年龄不能为空'));
setTimeout(() => {
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {
callback(new Error('请输入数字值'));
} else {
if (value < 18) {
callback(new Error('必须年满18岁'));
} else {
}, 1000);
return {
data: [{
value: 'beijing',
label: '北京',
children: [
value: 'gugong',
label: '故宫'
formInline: {
user: '',
password: ''
value: 'tiantan',
label: '天坛'
value: 'wangfujing',
label: '王府井'
}, {
value: 'jiangsu',
label: '江苏',
children: [
value: 'nanjing',
label: '南京',
children: [
value: 'fuzimiao',
label: '夫子庙',
value: 'suzhou',
label: '苏州',
children: [
value: 'zhuozhengyuan',
label: '拙政园',
value: 'shizilin',
label: '狮子林',
ruleInline: {
user: [
{ required: true, message: '请填写用户名', trigger: 'change' }
cityList: [
value: 'beijing',
label: '北京市'
value: 'shanghai',
label: '上海市'
value: 'shenzhen',
label: '深圳市'
value: 'hangzhou',
label: '杭州市'
value: 'nanjing',
label: '南京市'
value: 'chongqing',
label: '重庆市'
form: {
mail: '',
passwd: '',
single: false,
group: '',
checkboxgroup: [],
select: '',
selectm: [],
slider: [40, 50],
date: '',
date2: '',
cascader: [],
transfer: this.getMockData(),
targetKeys1: this.getTargetKeys(),
input: 1,
textarea: ''
rules: {
mail: [
required: true, message: '请输入正确的邮箱', trigger: 'blur', type: 'email'
min: 3, max: 50, message: '长度在 3 到 50 个字符', trigger: 'blur'
min: 3, max: 50, message: '长度在 3 到 5 个字符', trigger: 'change'
passwd: [
required: true, message: '请输入密码', trigger: 'blur'
group: [
required: true, message: '请单选组'
checkboxgroup: [
required: true, message: '至少选择2个', min: 2, type: 'array',
required: true, message: '至多选择3个', max: 3, type: 'array'
select: [
required: true
slider: [
type: 'array', len: 2,
fields: {
0: {
type: 'number', min: 30, 'message': '不能小于30'
1: {
type: 'number', max: 90, 'message': '不能大于90'
date: [
required: true
type: 'date'
date2: [
type: 'array', len: 2,
fields: {
0: {
type: 'date', required: true
1: {
type: 'date', required: true
cascader: [
type: 'array', required: true
targetKeys1: [
type: 'array', min: 8, max: 10
input: [
type: 'number', min: 1, max: 4
textarea: [
required: true, trigger: 'blur'
type: 'string', min: 10
formCustom: {
passwd: '',
passwdCheck: '',
age: ''
ruleCustom: {
passwd: [
{ validator: validatePass, trigger: 'blur' }
passwdCheck: [
{ validator: validatePassCheck, trigger: 'blur' }
age: [
{ validator: validateAge, trigger: 'blur' }
password: [
{ required: true, message: '请填写密码', trigger: 'blur' },
{ type: 'string', min: 6, message: '密码长度不能小于6位', trigger: 'change' }
computed: {},
methods: {
onSubmit (formName) {
this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
} else {
this.$Message.error('error submit!');
return false;
resetForm (formName) {
c (s) {
getMockData () {
let mockData = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
key: i.toString(),
label: '内容' + i,
description: '内容' + i + '的描述信息',
disabled: Math.random() * 3 < 1
return mockData;
getTargetKeys () {
return this.getMockData()
.filter(() => Math.random() * 2 > 1)
.map(item => item.key);
render1 (item) {
return item.label;
handleChange1 (newTargetKeys, direction, moveKeys) {
this.form.targetKeys1 = newTargetKeys;
handleSubmit (name) {
handleSubmit(name) {
this.$refs[name].validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
@ -498,10 +43,7 @@
handleReset (name) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue