import * as core from "@actions/core"; import * as exec from "@actions/exec"; import * as glob from "@actions/glob"; import * as io from "@actions/io"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import * as util from "util"; import * as uuidV4 from "uuid/v4"; <<<<<<< HEAD import { CacheFilename, CompressionMethod, Outputs, RefKey, State } from "../constants"; ======= import { Outputs, RefKey, State } from "../constants"; >>>>>>> Allow all events to access cache import { ArtifactCacheEntry } from "../contracts"; // From export async function createTempDirectory(): Promise<string> { const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === "win32"; let tempDirectory: string = process.env["RUNNER_TEMP"] || ""; if (!tempDirectory) { let baseLocation: string; if (IS_WINDOWS) { // On Windows use the USERPROFILE env variable baseLocation = process.env["USERPROFILE"] || "C:\\"; } else { if (process.platform === "darwin") { baseLocation = "/Users"; } else { baseLocation = "/home"; } } tempDirectory = path.join(baseLocation, "actions", "temp"); } const dest = path.join(tempDirectory, uuidV4.default()); await io.mkdirP(dest); return dest; } export function getArchiveFileSize(path: string): number { return fs.statSync(path).size; } export function isExactKeyMatch( key: string, cacheResult?: ArtifactCacheEntry ): boolean { return !!( cacheResult && cacheResult.cacheKey && cacheResult.cacheKey.localeCompare(key, undefined, { sensitivity: "accent" }) === 0 ); } export function setCacheState(state: ArtifactCacheEntry): void { core.saveState(State.CacheResult, JSON.stringify(state)); } export function setCacheHitOutput(isCacheHit: boolean): void { core.setOutput(Outputs.CacheHit, isCacheHit.toString()); } export function setOutputAndState( key: string, cacheResult?: ArtifactCacheEntry ): void { setCacheHitOutput(isExactKeyMatch(key, cacheResult)); // Store the cache result if it exists cacheResult && setCacheState(cacheResult); } export function getCacheState(): ArtifactCacheEntry | undefined { const stateData = core.getState(State.CacheResult); core.debug(`State: ${stateData}`); if (stateData) { return JSON.parse(stateData) as ArtifactCacheEntry; } return undefined; } export function logWarning(message: string): void { const warningPrefix = "[warning]";`${warningPrefix}${message}`); } export async function resolvePaths(patterns: string[]): Promise<string[]> { const paths: string[] = []; const workspace = process.env["GITHUB_WORKSPACE"] ?? process.cwd(); const globber = await glob.create(patterns.join("\n"), { implicitDescendants: false }); for await (const file of globber.globGenerator()) { const relativeFile = path.relative(workspace, file); core.debug(`Matched: ${relativeFile}`); // Paths are made relative so the tar entries are all relative to the root of the workspace. paths.push(`${relativeFile}`); } return paths; } // Cache token authorized for all events that are tied to a ref // See GitHub Context export function isValidEvent(): boolean { return RefKey in process.env; } export function unlinkFile(path: fs.PathLike): Promise<void> { return util.promisify(fs.unlink)(path); } async function getVersion(app: string): Promise<string> { core.debug(`Checking ${app} --version`); let versionOutput = ""; try { await exec.exec(`${app} --version`, [], { ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: true, listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer): string => (versionOutput += data.toString()), stderr: (data: Buffer): string => (versionOutput += data.toString()) } }); } catch (err) { core.debug(err.message); } versionOutput = versionOutput.trim(); core.debug(versionOutput); return versionOutput; } export async function getCompressionMethod(): Promise<CompressionMethod> { const versionOutput = await getVersion("zstd"); return versionOutput.toLowerCase().includes("zstd command line interface") ? CompressionMethod.Zstd : CompressionMethod.Gzip; } export function getCacheFileName(compressionMethod: CompressionMethod): string { return compressionMethod == CompressionMethod.Zstd ? CacheFilename.Zstd : CacheFilename.Gzip; } export async function useGnuTar(): Promise<boolean> { const versionOutput = await getVersion("tar"); return versionOutput.toLowerCase().includes("gnu tar"); }